Delivery time: 7-12 business days/ Shipped separately. Delivery only in Europe.
Beautiful vinyl wallpaper with beautiful floral print .
You simply order this wallpaper per strip.Each strip has a reserve of 1 cm on each side, therefore the wallpaper is applied with the overlap method.The standard width of this wallpaper is 60 cm.The height choose yourself.
The price is for 1 strip of wallpaper 60 cm wide. Example: If you wish to wallpaper a wall 2.40 high and 2.5 meters wide then order 5 x this wallpaper with a height of 250cm.
Please note: This wallpaper cannot be shipped outside Europe.
- Dimension: 60 cm wide
Strip height (as desired): 250 cm / 270 cm / 300 cm
- Element dimensions: flowers – width 25 – 40 cm x height 23 – 32 cm
- Material: vinyl wallpaper
There are no samples available of this wallpaper,
Due to color batch numbers, rolls of wallpaper cannot be returned by Virtue and Co.