Delivery time: average 10 – 14 working days / shipped separately
See here the favorite wallpaper of all older and younger men! A lot happens on this wallpaper. Here we have planets and rockets, and stars, satellites, streamers, clouds. Real magic!
The most important things to know about this wallpaper: The pattern is divided into panels 100 cm wide The size of a large planet: 23 cm Rocket size: from 22 to 27 cm
Sky color: dark blue, almost navy blue, but darker.
You order this wallpaper by the strip. Each strip has the following dimensions:2.80 x 100cm. Example: If you wish to wallpaper a wall of 3 meters then you order three times this wallpaper. The quoted price is for 1 strip of wallpaper.
- Size: high 2.80 x 100 cm wide
- Material: Nonwoven wallpaper
- Brand: deKornik
Due to color batch numbers, rolls of wallpaper cannot be returned by Virtue and Co.